Chronic kidney Disease with left side pleural effusion .

 5 7 year old female with chronic kidney disease

With left side pleural effusion .

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

Date of admission 15/12/21.

A 57 years old female patient who is homemaker came to casuality  with cheif complaint of decreased urine output since 3 days 

 C/o shortness of breath  since 1 day

C/o cough  intermittent type with yellowish sputum

C/o fever not associated with chills.

Daily routine : patient daily get up at 6 0 clock have breakfast at 9 o clock . Then she goes to daily wage work .she return home by 5 pm in evening then she have dinner at 8 o clock . Sleeps at 10 pm .routine after development of   generalized weakness  since 5 years she stop going to work. 

History of present illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back.Then patient developed pain in lower back region which is radiating to groin for this she visited a hospital there she diagnosed with renal caliculi managed conservatively by taking medicine.  In Follow back she diagnosed with acute kidney injury for this she is taking treatment conservatively from past 5 years.

Now she developed shortness of breath grade 2 

 , fever , decreased urinary output and cough yellowishwhite sputum tinged with blood

Patient have pain in left hypochondrium region..

Patient has undergone 3 sessions of hemodialysis .

Past history :

Patient is not a known case of Diabetesmellitus , hypertension , asthma , tuberculosis, epilepsy

.patient has undergone hysterectomy 10 years back.

Menstrual history : menarche.

Family history :

No similar complications are seen in family members.

Drug History :

Patient is not allergic to any known drug.

Personal history : 

Diet : mixed 

Appetite : normal 

Sleep : adequate

Bowel movement normal

Micturation : decreased

Allergies : no known allergies

Addictions : not addicted to alcohol and smoking.

General physical examination :

Patient is pallor 

Bilateral pedal edema - nonpitting type is seen.

No cyanosis

No clubbing

No icterus

Well built moderately nourished 

No cerviacal lymphadenopathy 

Vitals :

Temperature : 98.8°f febrile .

Blood pressure: 100/80 mm of hg

Respiratory rate : 18 cycles per minute

Pulse rate : 75 beats per minute .

Spo2 : 84%

GRBS : 154 mg

. systemic examination :

Cardiovascular system : 

S1 and S2 heard

No murmurs heard 

No thrill is felt

No precordial bulging in seen .

Palpation :. Jvp is not felt

        - S1 S2 heard

Respiratory system : 

Position of trachea is central

Patient experiencing dysopnea .

Wheezing sounds heard 

Breathing sounds are vesicular .

Per abdomen :

Inspection :

Shape of abdomen : schaphoid 


No tenderness in abdomen

No palpable masses are seen.

Hernial orifice normal.

Free fluid no

Auscultation :

Bowel sounds are heard.

Central nervous system :

Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative with time place and person.

Speech is normal

Cranial nerve , motor system and sensory system are functioning normal .

Provisional Diagnosis : 

Patient is diagnosed with CKD along with right sided pleural effusion associated with fever .



ALT 61

ALP 163

ALB 2.1

TP 5.8

ABT 48

ALG 0.57

ABG : ph 7.25

Pco2 34%

Pco2 51 %

Pleural fluid : 

LDH : 1968 

Pleural sugar ; 71

Protein : 3.6

Serum  LDH 255

Serum protein 5.4g /dl 


Renal function test :

Cell count pleural fluid :

Fever chart :

Serum albumin level :

Serum iron :

Ultrasound report form :

Cytology report :
              HBS Ag negative
              Hiv negative
              HCv negative

Treatment : 3 sessions of dialysis  has done 16/12/21
20 /12/21
1. Head end elevation 
2. Oxygen suppliment to maintain Spo2 > 95 mm hg
3 .fluid restrictions < 1 lit 
4. Salt restrictions < 2 gm per day
5. Inj . Piptaz 25 gm bd iv
6. Inj clindamycin 600 mg IV bd 
7. Inj lasix 40 mg bd iv
8. Inj erythropoietin 4000 iu subcutaneous weekly once 
9. Tab nodosis 500 mg po bd
10 .  Tab shellal 500 mg po bd 
11. Tab orofer po od 
12. Syrup ascoril po bd 
13. Syrup lactose po  bd 


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