General medicine case presentation 5

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

A 15 years old male patient studying 9th class came to casuality with complaints of shortness of breath since 4 hours associated with acute chest pain since 4 hours.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back , patient complains of vomitings 2 to 3 episodes daily associated with food particles and not associated with blood.

Patient gives history of fever 1 month back associated with chills which is relieved by using medication for 2 days.

Incidentally he diagnosed raised urea 63 mg / dl and raised creatinine 8.3 mg/dl  went to Hyderabad with in one day urea has raised to 135 mg/dl and creatinine 10 mg /dl and started him on dialysis .

5 sessions of hemodialysis done and USG -ABD showing bilateral kidney size of 8.1 cm and loss of CMD increased echotexture grade 3 RPD changes. Since then he was on hemodialysis.

Patient complains of SOB aggrevating on supine position . 

Patient complains of chest pain dragging type

Patient no complaints of palpitations , syncopal attack , decreased urine output , pedal edema ,facial puffiness.

Past history :

Patient has no history of  Diabetes mellitus, hypertension , tuberculosis, epilepsy ,Asthma.

Family history: no similar complaints in the family

Drug history : patient has undergone 3 cell packs of blood 

Personal history:

Diet : mixed

Sleep: adequate

Appetite: normal

Bowel and bladder movements : regular

Habits : no addictions

General examination :


No cyanosis

No clubbing

No icterus

No lymphadenopathy

Pedal edema

Vitals :

Temperature : 98.6 F

Pulse rate : 96/min

Respiration rate : 24 cps

Bp 140/100

Spo2 : 86%

GRBS : 121 mg %

Systemic examination:

Cardiovascular system:

S1 and S2 heard  

No thrills

No murmers

Respiration system:

Patient suffers with dysopnea

No wheezing

Position of trachea central

Abdomen :

Shape of abdomen :scaphoid

No tenderness

No palpable masss

Hernial orifice normal

Spleen and liver no palpable mass

Central nervous system:

Patient is conscious, coherent.

Speech is normal 

provisionalDiagnosis:Acute kidney injury


Treatment :
1.Tab lasix 40 mg bd
2.Tab pan 40 mg od
3.Neb with Duolin and Budecart 8 th hourly
4.Tab orofer bd
5.Tab NODOSIS 500 mg od
6.Tab SHELCAL CT po/od
7.o2 maintenance to maintain Spo2 grater than 90
8.Tab . Zofer 4 mg 
9.Tab Rantac 150 mg OD


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